In the gritty underworld of medical mysteries and scientific breakthroughs, the tale of Sulfathiazole unfolds like a noir thriller, with twists and turns that would leave even the most seasoned gumshoes scratching their heads. It all began in the smoky laboratories of German chemists Paul Gelmo and Gerhard Domagk in the 1930s. These mad scientists… Continue reading The Sulfathiazole Debacle – Winthrop Chemical’s Dilemma and the FDA in 1940
Author: Mahmudul Hasan
Top 10 Insta Dogs – What It Takes To Make It In The Bark Bin Of Success
In the ever-expanding world of social media, where cuteness knows no bounds, Instagram has become a haven for adorable dog content. From fluffy furballs to mischievous pups, some dogs have risen to fame, creating a niche in the competitive realm of canine influencers. In this post, we’ll explore the profiles of the top 10 Instagram… Continue reading Top 10 Insta Dogs – What It Takes To Make It In The Bark Bin Of Success